Monday, November 21, 2011

Vacation After Vacation

Well, i think that our vacation plan is on the go. It would be two days from now and we'll be heading to Arizona to witness the beauty of the Grand Canyon once again. But this time, we are going to see the native American's amazing and awesome project, the SKYWALK! We supposed to go there last year but it didn't happen because we got lost. We thought it was in the middle of Grand Canyon south rim but it has a different way. Anyway, this time, it is going to happen, and it'll be so soon!

Talking about vacation, after the vacation plan, hubby still mention about planning on going to Canada. Since we both have never been to that country, we might as well be adventurous and explore the beauty of it particularly in Calgary. I know for sure that we can find lots of good Calgary apartments deals. We are thinking to stay there for at least a month. Hubby has to get things ready in his vacation leave from his work so we can totally enjoy our stay in Canada.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

RV Financing

The neighbor across the street are planning to get rid of their rv. Since they aren't that active anymore going out and camping with their kids and grandkids because they are getting old. So they have to do the rv financing, so they will make a good deal of their rv. They have been using it for several years and they can't complain about it. Too bad they can't sell it to one of their kids who has their family of their own already since they also have rv themselves. So there's no other way to take care of it but to sell it.

Sudden Mood Swing

I just noticed that i am so grumpy, grouchy and high-tempered lately. Hubby told me that it is not a good sign of aging, lol! So i was browsing some helpful tips on how to deal with this sudden mood swing of mine. And i stumbled upon into this Hormone replacement therapy. Maybe this is what i need in order for me to feel better, to be a better person as well. I hate being grumpy myself but i don't know why i feel like that all of the sudden and later on i will be okay. Hubby said i surely need a medical attention enable for me to deal with this mood swings.

The Sweet Treats

I had a good laugh when i saw a video from youtube about parents teasing their kids that they ate all their kids's treat they got from halloween. I didn't even thought of doing that. What a nice idea! Anyway, my kiddos's treats are still plenty. I hid them because i am sure they won't let go both of their buckets until it's all emptied out. I give them here and there everyday though but i sure didn't tell them where i hid those buckets or they will keep on begging me to get it out for them so they can have the whole thing.

I myself doesn't really love chocolates that much (i would say chocolates because that's what mostly they got from Halloween). I can eat one or two but that would be enough for me already. I know, kids can't get enough like i was when i was just a little girl. I used to sneak at my mom's jar and get some tootsierolls chocolate sticks. LOL! Shhh. Until now my mother didn't know about my secret. She thought she sold all those but i was the one who ate them haha!

Anyway, here's the pictures i got from Halloween night. Took some snaps of the treats they got as the kids were already in bed. It's obvious that i can't do this while they are still around, duh! And these buckets are still pretty much full of treats until now. Not to mention hubby bought five more bags of treats and never got rid of it by trick or treaters. There's only few came by. Maybe i should pack all these and send it to my country. So the poor kids can eat all these instead :D

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Teacher talking to parent

Guest post written by my buddy Bernardo Graham

My favorite part of being a teacher is getting to know my students and their parents. I have been a high school teacher for six years and I love what I do. I truly believe that not many people love their jobs as much as I do. I coach basketball too and I love seeing my students out of the classroom. I have become friends with many of my students’ parents because several of my students also play basketball and I see the parents at the games. One of the parents of a current student told me recently about some break-ins in the community. I had not heard anything about them, but when I got home, I did an online search for adt bristol and decided to get a home security system. I love our community and I want to feel safe in my home. I do not want to move because I live so close to my job that I barely have a commute. Hopefully the security system will help me to feel safer and hopefully the break ins around town will stop.