Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Getting So Anxious

I know i am getting so anxious to see my family back home. It will be a week from now and i am going to fly back in my beloved hometown, and i cannot wait to hug and give them my warmest kiss. My family back home feels the same way, they are so anxious and very excited as well to see me and and so as my son. I am pretty much packed and i am very ready to go. In fact, i am having sleepless nights now and keep dreaming about them back home, and i know that this is just due to my excitement. I have all the presents that i am going to give them and i am sure that they will love all the things i have for them. Anxious me, i know and i just have to tell you this to make me feel calm.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

have a good trip and enyoy your vacation.See u nextime put more picture from pinas ok?