Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Lazy Or No Time?

Well honestly, i am feeling both. I feel so lazy that i couldn't even find time to update my blogs. I am always planning everyday to update at least one of my blogs but soon as morning comes, i feel the same way everyday, lazy. I keep telling myself to get back and be busy with my blogs again even though that the paid blogging is not doing good. I guess i am kind of affected of the economic crisis too. Everybody does i think. And i am just hoping that paid blogging will be back again and we bloggers will make more money again so we don't have to go out and look for a job and leave our kids to baby sitters or to a daycare center, which i would never do.

1 comment:

Shoshana said...

Darlene, I get you. I'd rather blog than do bills.