Monday, October 19, 2009

Another Week

It's another week again and it's time for my son's school later today! Every time Monday comes, he gets so excited because he knows that he is going to school and he always asks me who will be the snack friend. They take turns of their snacks since there only 14 kids in their class. It's a private school and my son is loving it. On his very first day he was a little hesitant but on the next day he got so excited because he made friends already. I asked the teacher and she said that my son sometimes is being too smart that if she asks one of his classmates he will be the one to answer the question or sometimes he will tell his classmates that he will help them to answer it lol! I was embarrassed a little bit though i don't want my son to show off the crowd but he is just being himself, he thought that he is doing the right thing which is he actually doing the right thing. He just didn't realize that he's not supposed to help his classmates answering the teacher's question so they will learn themselves.

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