Wednesday, December 23, 2009

I Got It!!!

If you happen to stumble my site last month, i posted an update here about the camera that i have been dreaming to have. I really thought that it will be remain as only dream to have camera, but now i finally got it!!! I really am so happy because i didn't expect that my husband would buy it for me, but he actually did! I couldn't be more happier. He also bought me one lens that really cost a lot. Hubby told me that he will buy me another lens on my birthday next year. This is the most expensive Christmas present i ever received from hubby aside from my car. The camera is really nice and beautiful! I just can't wait to attend the free class that is included by the package when hubby bought the camera. I am looking forward to learn more about it and shoot like a pro!

Anyway, i would like to grab the chance to greet you all a merry christmas and have a wonderful new year ahead!!!

Monday, December 21, 2009

Out Of Ideas

I am running out of ideas what to cook for my family! Especially for my silly son! My husband is not picky at all and so as our son but isn't so tiring when you eat the same food every other day? I want to eat something new and something really good, who doesn't anyway? But honestly, i am running out of ideas what to prepare. Sometimes my son asks simple and easy to prepare kind of food and it makes me feel bad because he doesn't get to eat real good food anymore. I always prepare meal for him though but it is not that special. I love to cook but i cannot do it like i wanted to anymore since i have a small baby to take care of as well. This little boy i have now is more demanding when it comes to attention, unlike his big brother. So any mothers can suggest what they usually do and prepare for their family? I would love to hear any suggestions, it would be greatly appreciated.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Always Up Late

Ever since my husband works on a swing shift, we always go to bed so late. And i am kind of getting use to it and so as my oldest boy. He stays up late and waits for me to go to bed. I really don't like the idea that he is up until midnight because it's not good for him, not for everyone anyway. He won't go to bed unless i will too. I have to manage our schedule so my son will go to bed right on time like what he is suppose to. He's got school three times a week and he gets up late in the morning that sometimes hard for me to wake him up because he always whines that he is still sleepy. Hubby said that we need to change our schedule, he is looking forward to get a morning shift job. I also am hoping he will get it so we don't have to stay late to wait for him to get home.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Winter Scarves Winner

I am terribly sorry for the delay of the announcement of the winners of the winter scarves, i was so busy lately that i just could not find time to post the winners here. Earlier i was able to do it with my son since he's got no school today. So, to make the post shorter, i will now announce who's the two lucky winners of the winter scarves.

The first winner that is going to own the black one is:

Mommy Scart

The second winner that is going to own the orange one is:

Manang Kim

Congratulations to you guys and hope you will like the scarves i personally made. Please email me your home address to this LINK so i can send the scarves you have won. Merry Christmas in advance to everyone who participated, i truly appreciate you all for making an effort.