Monday, December 21, 2009

Out Of Ideas

I am running out of ideas what to cook for my family! Especially for my silly son! My husband is not picky at all and so as our son but isn't so tiring when you eat the same food every other day? I want to eat something new and something really good, who doesn't anyway? But honestly, i am running out of ideas what to prepare. Sometimes my son asks simple and easy to prepare kind of food and it makes me feel bad because he doesn't get to eat real good food anymore. I always prepare meal for him though but it is not that special. I love to cook but i cannot do it like i wanted to anymore since i have a small baby to take care of as well. This little boy i have now is more demanding when it comes to attention, unlike his big brother. So any mothers can suggest what they usually do and prepare for their family? I would love to hear any suggestions, it would be greatly appreciated.

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