Friday, July 2, 2010

Annoying Neighbors

I am here at the internet cafe once again with noisy kids neighbors playing their annoying shooting games. I didn't take my son here with me again because i don't want him to learn their kind of games since it will bring no good to him. I just hate shooting games, it will teach the kids how to kill people and will teach them how to be violent as they grow up. I am so sorry to those who are against to what i said but i really am against to guns and whatever games that has shooting stuff. I took off here last time and i almost forgot to pull off my flash drive and left so upset. Good thing i was still here in town and remembered that my sticky computer thing still stuck in the computer unit. I really miss my privacy at home. I have a lot blogging to do but i don't think i can finish them all since i got annoying neighbors beside me.

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