Saturday, December 11, 2010

New Haircut Potato

Finally, i cut my potato's hair, and i love the outcome! Hubby is been bugging me to cut our little one's hair because it's getting too long and it bothers his eyes already. I have been thinking about whether i should cut it or not because i like the way he looked with his hair, long and brunette. Hubby said that i should cut it so soon because people might mistakenly think he is a girl instead of a boy for having a long hair. So the other night, i bought a scissor in the store and cut his hair myself, with the help of daddy's mighty arms to hold him tight so he won't wiggle around.

We supposed to take him to the barber shop but i told hubby that i don't think it will work out good for him because i already had an experience with his big brother that he never did like the idea of going to the barber shop and have the barber cut his hair. It was a disaster, his hair cut did not come out as good as i want it. So, i decided to just cut my boys's hair myself instead. And i am so happy that even though i got tired after the cutting session because my little one kept throwing a fit, still i am glad that i was able to finish it. And here's the cutie result of my little one's hair cut! Isn't he a cutie? lol! Of course he is my baby hihi :)
DSC_4796New haircut

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