Tuesday, November 18, 2008

I Love Music

I was just a little girl when i started liking the music. I can still remember my mother used to tell me that i am going to be a good singer because i love to sing a lot and every time there is a new release music then, i can't stop myself to memorize the lyrics until i will learn. I may sound bragging but most of my siblings can sing very well. I have one big sister that always joined the singing contest during her early age and she won pretty much of the contest she had joined. Also our eldest brother can sing and he is working now in a ship as a sailor man and he told me that every time they have a party, they want him to sing for them.

Well, anyway i am talking about music because i just received my orders from SHOP.COM. They have my favorite songs that i like to listen a lot. Plenty of selections to choose from and this is a very convenient way for me to shop my favorite musics since i hardly go outside especially this time of the year because winter is coming and i can now feel the cold weather outside. They have all my favorite songs and i can't help but to get some copies of them. Right now, i have few copies of my songs and later i will order some more so i can have all the copies of my favorite songs.

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