There are lots of regimen how to get rid of the acne. In fact, there is adult acne treatment that i can absolutely recommend to those who are looking for cure with their stubborn problem. Just like my friend, he's been having the problem of his face for a long time and since i told him about the regimen, his face is now cleaner compared the last time i saw him. He gained more confidence to come out and be with his friends more often now because he isn't not that embarrassed anymore to come out and hang out with his friends. He thanked me for giving him the advice, he said, if it's not for me, he wouldn't find out that he can get rid of his embarrassing bumps on his face.
Sunday, May 30, 2010
No More Craving
Living in an island is sure feels like heaven to me. I can eat what i want for they are not so expensive. Food here are just too delicious to resist. Right now i am eating banana cue that i have been craving for so long. And finally i am able to buy the food that i like, easy to find here. Later at night, i will buy some egg ducks.that's one of the food that i have been craving to eat and even if i am just talking about it now, i am starting to drool already. Really, it's so heaven to live here in the island, fresh air and cleaner environment, and the food is just irresistible! Who wants to live in the crowded polluted city if you can have a paradise like place in the island? I am definitely an island kind of person.
Eczema Problem
It makes me so sad seeing these eczema pictures that i found. Especially the babies that are suffering from this skin disease, i really feel so bad because kids cannot handle the pain and itch. Also it's painful for the parents to see their little ones suffering such unbearable disease. I really am so thankful that my kids doesn't have this kind of skin problem. I cannot imagine seeing my kids can't sleep and rest well because of too much itchiness in their body. I have few friends that their babies has this disease and i feel so sorry for them because they are so stressed trying to comfort their kids from itchiness. It really is hard if your loved ones is suffering from pain or something, you cannot simply just look at them and be sorry. You will feel so helpless and angry for you can't do anything for them.
eczema problem
Be Careful
You've got to research what you are taking. Some of the pills for dieting aren't real and effective. You've got to look for those genuine ones that are top rated diet pills. If you are looking for those pills that works as fast like what you expected it to, you need to read the facts and ingredients of it. That way, you'll learn the difference from one pills to the other. It's not healthy when you just keep on taking pills trying to see which one works best, you really need to be aware what are the inside of the pills for you to know whether it is healthy for you or good for you to take or not. Better be watchful and careful than being sorry later on.
weight loss formula
Gold Coins
Hubby had some gold coins in his suitcase. I really thought that it was an antique coins because it's a little old looking coins but when i asked him about it, he told me that his dad used to invest gold coins before. It was a successful investment, it's just that his father can't do it anymore because he is getting so old. My husband doesn't want to continue the investment. He is not the kind of person that does such things like that. So he kept the coins instead of continuing the investments that his dad started. I didn't know that there's such gold coins before not until i saw those coins that my hubby kept in his suitcase for a long time now.
Drained Brain
I've got headache right now!!! Can anyone please help me? I really need a pain reliever. My brain is bleeding due to the pending tasks i am trying to finish so it can be included to the cut off later today. I don't want to leave few of them because i am here in the internet cafe, might as well i am paying for this internet connection so i have to finish the pending tasks i have. I wasn't expecting to get more since i already have enough i thought, but to my surprise, i got 15 more pending tasks to do. Well, this is blessings and i don't want to complain because not all bloggers aren't so blessed like i am now. This is moolah and i need it so bad, because i am here having my vacation in my beloved country. I need some money to cover all the expenses here and this is one way of helping my husband financially. I really am so thankful and felt so blessed, thank you so much Big Boss for all the blessings you showered me, thank you so much and i cannot thank you enough.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Futile Dieting
I just noticed that some people is having hard time to maintain the weight they wanted to have no matter how they tried to do their dieting and take pills to get rid of their extra fats. Some of them are taking pills or maybe exercising but later after they do that, they are not watching their food intake. has the best strategy how to lose weight by helping people to watch their diet to get the goal that they are aiming. People sometimes don't really know what they are doing, not guided enough so they can have the figure that they have been dreaming to have, they cannot get rid the extra fats of their body that they hate it about. It's all about strategy and guide, also the self discipline, because if you don't have it, then your hard work to get your dream perfect body will be considered as futile.
weight loss formula
Taking Care Of Myself
They usually say that life begins at 40, but for me as a woman, i must say that life begins at 30. Mostly women starts to feel different about their body soon as they reach at the age of 30. I myself is not quite 30 years old yet but i can already tell the big difference of my body compared to my before birth body. Sometimes we are not taking care of ourselves because we are thinking that we are strong and just fine without our knowledge that we are slowly getting old and so as our body and our internal organs. It starts to develop slow and works not as excellent as we were young. That's why i am looking for some hgh supplements for myself to keep and maintain my body looking so healthy and to let my brain works fast like i am still young. It's hard for me that i have undergone so many operations, that's why i really gotta have to take care of myself because no one can do that to me except me.
hgh supplements
Too Hot!!!!
We finally got here in Philippines two days ago and i am feeling so bad that my kids has the shocking reaction of the very terrible hot temperature here. It's very opposite to our home in Utah because when we left there, we still have cold winds especially during the nights the wind is still so chilly. But when we got here the other day, the kids got so weak and got sick, they got cough and my little one got fever. Good thing they are now a little better because i already gave them medicine but still i am worried about them. I tried to keep them inside the hotel where it's a nice place for them to stay because there's air conditioning. They really cannot stand the heat outside, it makes them irritated and weak.
Even myself is now having a dry cough because of too hot temperature. I am just hoping that it won't be this hot when we get there in my mom's place later today. It's a lot better over there because it's far from big city and has lots of big trees. I am sure they will enjoy our stay to their granny's place for i have a small hut close to my mom's house. I really can't wait to get there, i want to relax totally and eat the food that i have been missing for two years, they are so fresh from the sea.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Better Insurance Deal
There are lots of insurance quote that you thought it's a better deal than what you are having. We cannot complain the insurance we have right now, we've had this for awhile now and so far we didn't encounter any problems with it. We have the great service ever and a very excellent rate as far as we know. I am aware that there are also some insurance that are crooks, they seems to be the most cheapest deal you could ever get in the world but later on soon as you do the business with them, they are going to charge you something here and there. I am just glad that our insurance gave us the best deal that what we wanted to have.
auto insurance
Good Diet
I am not so sure why some people are having difficulty maintaining their good figure. Mostly women, especially the caucasians has that big problem that soon as they give birth, it's almost impossible for them to get back to their before birth figure. I get an often compliments that i am so lucky for having a fast metabolism because i lose my weight without taking any extra effort unlike the most women are having problem dealing with it big time. I have few friends that they did really a great job maintaining their pre-birth figures and just in case you want to find out how did they do it, you can just click here to see for yourself. It's really a plus to women that even though there's kids already and has beautiful body figure still.
Good Budgeting
Sometimes why people are really in a bad debt because they spend more than what they are making. They won't realizes it not until they will find out that the are already spending way too much that what their budget can hold. Good thing there is a credit cards for bad credit that can help them to get back on their feet again. Hubby is been telling me not to overspend my credit card because it will make my credit score record bad. I am so glad that hubby really knows how to do our budget because i myself admits that i am not really that good at it. I don't know what to do if hubby is like me, we might ended realizing that we don't have enough savings anymore for our kids to have.
credit cards
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Four More Days And Here We Come Philippines!!!
I cannot believe how time flies. When i told my family back home that we are going home with my kids, they were all so happy to know about it and that was what, 2 months ago? Now that the time is coming so soon, i am getting so anxious and excited. Four more days and we'll be on our way to my beloved country. I miss everything in there, the food, the weather, and the place itself, and of course my beloved family. My mother is even more excited to see us once again because it will be her first time to see my little one since he was born here. So as the rest of the family, they are also excited to see my little potato. I am so sure that a lot of hands will grab this little baby of mine soon as we get there at the airport.
Anyway, before we fly to Philippines, we have so many activities going on. It's my sister in law's birthday today. Now, i am not so sure if she will call me and invite us to have dinner with her and her family since tomorrow is going to be her step daughter's wedding. And we will be there since we are invited. I really don't feel like going though but i guess i should because i already promised the bride that i will take some pictures at the reception. I shouldn't promised then so i won't be obliged to go to the wedding reception. But anyway, we'll probably go. Then on Friday, it's a big day for my preschooler, it will be his graduation day and i am so proud of my son. He's already talking about it and very excited. I am too and so as his dad, in fact my husband filed a vacation leave on that very day in his work so he can attend the graduation ceremony of our son. Well, this is good though that our days ahead is busy so the days will pass by quickly and before we know it, it will be the day for us to leave.
It's sad to know that husband will be by himself for a while but, excited on the other hand because i get to see my family back home once again. Well, hubby will follow us soon though, he cannot just stay that long like we do there because he cannot take so much time off from his work. But we will enjoy our vacation in there i know that, we have plans already where we going soon as hubby gets there to be with us. So better get things ready before time will come so we'll not rush everything!
Monday, May 17, 2010
Good Spirited Girl
A friend of mine is really happy when she called me that she got her po finance today. She has been waiting for it because she wanted to get some help financially. Now that she finally got it, she was really happy and sounds like she indeed relieved. I am also happy for her though, she has been dealing a lot of problems lately and been trying to find some solution. I really salute to her for being such a tough woman. Despite of all the hardships and trials came to her life, she is standing still and have the good spirit to keep on going. That's one thing i really like about her, she never gives up easily, she always fights the challenge in her life and she always wins which is really good. I am like that as well but i think she undergone more hardships in life than me.
financial help,
po finance
Tasting My Own Medicine
It was just another day when i got stuck by the parking lot of my son's school. I always take my camera because i wanted to capture every things that i like to take picture of. I became more obsessed with my photography hobby, i noticed it lately. Hubby is been asking me why do i have to bring my camera along wherever i go, lol! I guess i am a trying hard professional photographer wanna be. I took this photo at the mirror of my car while i was waiting for my preschooler. Since my little one was sound asleep during that time, i was so bored and took picture of myself instead. Isn't it so neat that i get to take picture of myself without a flash in the mirror? I think it's cool though. This is what the photographer used to say that once you take your own image in the mirror, it's just like tasting your own medicine...
Monday, May 10, 2010
Stubborn Friend
My best friend is having difficulty bearing a child. I been telling her to consult a doctor for that matter so they can have a baby soon. She is a little scared though thinking one of them with her behalf is having a problem. She is a little stubborn because no matter how forced her to see a doctor for them to find out what is really a problem between them. She was a little embarrassed when she told me that her husband is been trying different kinds of testosterone creams for them to help to have a baby but seems like they really have to consult so to clear their worries and to solve their problems. She is so jealous of me for having children already, i blamed her for not doing such an action to find it out and get over the suspicions she has. She's got to do something about it so the doctor can help them bearing a child.
testoterone creams
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Plan For Tomorrow
Arghhh!!! Time is almost running out for me. I have a lot of things going on lately and i will be so very busy this coming weeks ahead of me. This weekend is going to be my yard sale day, next week is going to be my son's very special day. And the third week is going to be our flight to Philippines which i am not so ready for everything yet. I am not packed honestly. That's why i have to plan things for tomorrow so i can manage everything before the times really runs out of me, lol! My mind is so ready to fly yet i am not ready for the things that i am going to bring. Hubby said it only takes a little time to prepare everything but knowing i have two boys with me, i really have to prepare ahead of time just to make sure that i won't forget a thing. I know, i am just as busy as a bug. I really have to keep going now and do the things that i must do enable for me to have peace of mind about our luggage. If only i have someone that can help me here, so anyone wants to lend their hand? lol! I better get going though....
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Weed But Beautiful
I had a nice long walk once again with my son. We walked along our neighborhood with my camera. We both enjoyed our walk because we were able to do what we wanted to do. He was running and found some sticks at the street, while i was so busy taking pictures of the small things i saw. Our walk was indeed a fruitful one because i took some great pictures again and posted it to facebook. The images looked so beautiful and i am so proud of myself for another great job i did. I am hoping that the coming days will be nice and beautiful so i have more chance to take some snaps everyday... Anyway, here's one sample of what i took earlier, my son enjoyed blowing the dandelions at our neighbor's yard. So i grabbed the opportunity to take some shots while he was picking it.
nature photography,
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