Monday, May 17, 2010

Tasting My Own Medicine

It was just another day when i got stuck by the parking lot of my son's school. I always take my camera because i wanted to capture every things that i like to take picture of. I became more obsessed with my photography hobby, i noticed it lately. Hubby is been asking me why do i have to bring my camera along wherever i go, lol! I guess i am a trying hard professional photographer wanna be. I took this photo at the mirror of my car while i was waiting for my preschooler. Since my little one was sound asleep during that time, i was so bored and took picture of myself instead. Isn't it so neat that i get to take picture of myself without a flash in the mirror? I think it's cool though. This is what the photographer used to say that once you take your own image in the mirror, it's just like tasting your own medicine...

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