Monday, March 22, 2010

Anxious For Spring

Been up so late lately. Even though i need to get up early in the morning because i have a preschooler that i take to school every morning, i can't go to bed early like i wanted to. Been having insomnia attack again, or maybe i am just too excited to go home perhaps. I am counting the days that passes by and it makes it even more longer for me to wait, lol! But anyway, since spring is officially here, i might as well take the advantage of it and will take lots and lots of photos. As what people say, practice makes it perfect and i hope i can take lots of photos just like what the professional photographers have.

I am so sure that they have tons of great captures they are keeping. I have few photographers that i admire their work and it really amazes me how they take such breath taking photos. I am willing to learn more and i am open to any suggestions that those professionals in photography told me. Buds are starting to come out and birds are starting to show up, they are just beautiful to capture and i am anxious to take more photos of them, more on nature...

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