Thursday, March 18, 2010

Not In My Family

I just barely got finished my chores and i am here now sitting in front of my computer again. Nothing to do and i am about to go to bed so i am just kind of relaxing for a moment and will be heading to bed anytime soon. I am currently browsing a website that talks about adult acne. According to the journal, it says that this kind of acne is the most stubborn to disappear. Good thing i don't have it, it must be frustrating and depressing to have such annoying bumps in your face and you have tried to get rid of them but still it keeps on appearing. None of my family are really suffering from annoying and embarrassing acne, neither do i. I haven't experienced to have acne that much, there's one or two bumps here and there and that's about it, unlike some other people that are so frustrated and tried everything just to look more pleasant and wanted to have clean and spotless face.

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