Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Thorough Housekeeping

Ugh! Lots of house chores to do! I cannot even think which one should i do first. I have a lot of clean clothes to fold, floor to sweep, windows that needs to be wiped, cabinets that needs to be dusts off, bathroom that needs thorough cleaning, and i have dishes to wash. Not to mention i have two kids to take care of! I am not complaining, although it may sounds like it, but i am just saying that to do all these things all by myself is not an easy tasks. A lot of my colleagues living back home are telling me how nice life i have here, they just don't have any idea that life here in America is a bit complicated. As a housewife, almost everything that needs to be done in the house is all mine, except those heavy jobs like mowing the lawn, plumbing, and doing the electric work. I'll leave all that to the husband.

I am supposed to do all these work today but got distracted by something else, also being online makes me even more distracted, lol! Anyway, if only these chores could talk, they would be screaming and yelling at me right now for me to get going and finish all the pending chores. Lucky are those colleagues of mine back home because they can hire someone to help them to do the chores in their house. Well, i must get going now or i might get stuck again here and sit here all day, lol!

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