Monday, February 8, 2010

Can't Trade This!

As you all know that i am a pure blooded Filipina, was born and raised in Philippines, a small but beautiful and stunning country somewhere in Asia where you can find mostly gorgeous women like me, lol, just kidding! But anyway, i have been living here in America for five years now and still i cannot trade the food that i have used to eat when i was there in Philippines still. Just like this dried fish that Americans called it "STINKY FISH".
Yes, it does have smell but it sure is yummy! Do you agree pinays? If you don't then you must be a hypocrite! No one could ever resist not to eat this kind of food since this is one famous specialty of Philippines, preserving the fish by soaking it on the seawater or marinate it with salt and let it dry under the heat of the sun. There is one more food that i can never trade to a steak here in America, we call it "GINAMOS" in south or "BAGOONG" in north.

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