Tuesday, February 2, 2010

What Happened To Her?

I just phoned my mother earlier and she told me what happened to my big sister. She was rushed into the hospital yesterday because she was bleeding really bad. As i was talking to my mother on the phone she was crying because she tried to call my sister's mobile phone but there was no answer. She also tried to call my younger brother who's with our sister right now but she didn't any get an answer from him either. My poor mother is hoping that she will hear any news from them soon, she is really worried to death about my sister. I am too, i just don't know what really happened to my sister. According to my mother, what she knew is my sister needs a blood transfusion and she needs it right away and they are still looking for a possible donor. I hope everything will be alright, i feel so bad that i could not be there with my sister. I am also worried about her kids, no one will take care of them.

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