Friday, February 18, 2011

Men's Black Diamond Ring

when hubby and i got married, he just bought a very plain and simple wedding ring for him. Mine was a little expensive but his is what i call so plain. It was just a typical round ring with nothing to it. It's a 10k gold, so simple. He said that he doesn't need a very fancy kind of ring because he takes it off all the time anyway for where he works doesn't allow any jewelries being worn by worker. But since we are almost ten years married, i am thinking that it would be nice to get him one of those men's Black Diamond rings i saw online for him to wear it as we celebrate our ten years of marriage. Hubby said he will buy me a new ring as my gift for our ten years anniversary. Although that is still couple of years to wait but, times flies so fast and before we know it, we will be celebrating our ten years anniversary as married couple.

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