Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Photographer Wanna Be

Some people are already complimenting on how i take photos, although i honestly don't find myself good in photography still. I got a lot of things to learn still, more techniques and more and more.... All i can do for now is just basic things that an aspiring photographers can. Mainly the reason why i wanted to have a DSLR myself is to capture every moment of my family especially the moments being with my precious kids. I love taking pictures of them, i can't get enough, every moves they do, i always want to take pictures so i can have remembrance and will treasure it and i have something to show them when they are grown.

Also, i am practicing of the lighting. It sometimes can be frustrating that i get to see some good photographs taken by those professionals and i can't seem to do it myself. I am trying my best though. I often ended taking photos of myself in front of the mirror like this photo below to test the lighting effect. But like what i said, i still have a lot of things to learn in photography, and i am looking forward to it. Every time i touch my camera and do something with it, i learn something new and it makes me happy knowing that i can apply it and be a better photographer wanna be, lol!
Beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart.  Proud Filipina =)

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